The Washington Post “Justice Department charging Russian spies and criminal hackers in Yahoo intrusion” The Justice Department is set to announce Wednesday the indictments of two Russian spies and two criminal hackers in connection with the heist of 500 million Yahoo user accounts in 2014, marking the first U.S. criminal cyber charges ever against Russian....
The Guardian “Western agencies scramble to obtain samples from Syria chemical attack” Western intelligence agencies are seeking biological samples from survivors of the chemical weapons attack in northern Syria to compare against specimens of sarin taken from the Syrian military’s stockpiles four years ago. The testing will be used to established whether the nerve agent....
The Economist “Markets cheer Turkey’s referendum result” The victory of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president, in a referendum on April 16th is seen by many observers as a worrying step on the road to autocracy. The vote handed Mr Erdogan far-reaching new powers. But the Turkish lira, government bonds and stockmarket all gained ground as....
CNN “Firing James Comey is Donald Trump’s most unpredictable and dangerous move yet” James Comey found out he had been fired as FBI director just like the rest of us: By watching it on television. The move, announced late Tuesday via a letter sent from President Donald Trump to Comey, marked the most unpredictable moment....
The Washington Post “Political chaos in Washington is a return on investment for Moscow” Russia’s “active measures” campaign ended with the election last year. But Comey’s firing on Tuesday triggered a new wave of ¬Russia-related turbulence. His removal was perceived as a blow to the independence of the bureau’s ongoing investigation of possible collusion between....
The Washington Post “Putin offers to provide Congress with details of Trump disclosures to Russian envoys” Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information. The....
The Economist “New tricks: Donald Trump’s reset on Islam” Forgotten, it seems, are his tweets calling them “cowards” and his Facebook post likening them to slaveholders. The people of Saudi Arabia, not least the royal family, seem to care only about what Donald Trump is saying now. And while Candidate Trump taunted the Saudis, President....