Mexican Insight – February 18, 2014 (pdf)
«Optimism toward Mexico, from different sectors, continues». For Grupo Financiero
BBVA Bancomer, the recovery of the Mexican economy has already begun, after a year
of 1% growth, the bank changed its outlook for GDP growth to 3.4% from 3.1%. Besides,
this forecast does not contemplate the benefits of structural reforms.
«Fibra Uno concludes purchase of 8 properties»: The Trust (REIT) acquired the portfolio
P8 which includes properties in Mexico City and Guadalajara for $2.4 billion pesos, they
firm also bought the Bancomer Center in an amount of $1.6 billion pesos.
«Oil subsidy has become a tax» The policy of gradual slide in gasoline prices that began in2008, which was adjusted at the beginning of 2010 and extended in 2014, has served itspurpose. The Magna gasoline, the most widely consumed in Mexico, recorded a price in service stations of 12.41 pesos per liter, while in the U.S. the price in pesos of equivalent gasoline is 10.84 pesos per liter. This means that Mexican gasoline is already 14% more expensive than the equivalent in the northern neighbor.